Home Video

  • Apocalypse Now: The Complete Dossier

    Release Date: August 15, 2006 There is absolutely no denying that Francis Ford Coppola is one of the greatest directors of all time. I mean,…

  • Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior

    Just as Japanese movie makers were about to claim the award for supreme dominance in the realm of martial arts filmmaking, Tony Jaa, representing Thailand, may have just knocked them back down the ladder. With audiences needing more awe-inspiring action sequences, current martial arts directors have reinvented the genre to include standard fight scenes mixed in with acrobatics that open the eyes and drop the jaw. Even more impressive, as Ong Bak‘s marketing points out, is that Tony doesn’t have a stunt double or wires. When he leaps over a moving vehicle, it’s real.

  • The Lost City

    Release Date: August 8, 2006 I find it difficult sometimes to review movies on DVD. Why? Because I believe that I have ADD, that’s why.…

  • Movie Review: Brick

    Release Date: August 8, 2006 I have been on the Brick bandwagon for months now; and ever since seeing it at the Columbus alive Deep…

  • Inside Man

    Release Date: August 8, 2006 I have been a fan of Clive Owen‘s for a while now; he was solid in King Arthur but his…

  • V for Vendetta

    Release Date: August 1, 2006 “Remember, remember the fifth of November.” Such a poetic line that has stuck in my mind for months since seeing…

  • On a Clear Day

    Release Date: July 11th, 2006 Over the past few decades the money hungry mega studios of Hollywood have been thrusting feature after feature into our…

  • Dave Chappelle’s Block Party

    Chappelle’s Block Party appeals to a limited audience, but doesn’t let that hold it back from being a wonderful mix of music and comedy. “All…

  • The World’s Fastest Indian

    Release Date: June 13, 2006 I have not always been a history buff, but often a film will inspire me to do a little research…