Every once in a while, someone interesting will agree to speak with us. Here you will find more than 15-years of archived interviews with producers, filmmakers, actors, below-the-line creatives, legends, and more.
We are also currently the host of two recurring interview series:
It’s a Nicolas Cage film, so you already know what the highlight is going to be.
We chat with Javicia Leslie about her time as Batwoman and whether she saw it as a responsibility or an honor.
We chat with the actor about Freddy Krueger and the genuine angry emotion he continually used throughout the franchise to connect with the monster.
15 years after the MCU began, we chat with the actor about his gnarly but somewhat forgotten entry in Marvel’s rise to superhero cinematic dominance.
We chat with the director about his country music satire and why he sought the aesthetics of movies like ‘The Last Picture Show’ and ‘Paper Moon.’
We chat with cinematographer Brett Jutkiewicz about ‘Scream 6,’ transforming Montreal into New York City, and why spherical lenses were the only way to go.
We chat with director Vasilis Katsoupis and actor Willem Dafoe about ‘Inside’ and how shooting chronologically emotionally charged the performers.
Okay, so, no, it’s not. Although, our conversation with ‘A Disturbance in the Force’ co-director Jeremy Coon does recontextualize its awfulness.
We chat with Will Forte, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Jake Van Wagoner about the new Sundance indie and why tonal balance only works when collaboration is total.