We recommend the movies that influenced and inspired Matt Reeves’ take on the Dark Knight.
Whether or not you like the new video game adaptation, you’ll want to check out these movies that came before it.
We recommend the movies that came before and influenced Joel Coen’s take on the Scottish play.
In this edition of Movie DNA, we look at the movies that came before Adam McKay’s satire, including silly disaster flicks and serious documentaries.
We recommend a dozen movies that provide a film history guide to the holiday classic starring Macaulay Culkin.
We look back at the movies that came before — and maybe informed — the latest installment of the James Bond franchise.
We recommend 13 movies to watch if you like the twenty-fifth entry of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
We recommend 16 movies to watch after you see the Ryan Reynolds video game movie.
We recommend 12 movies you should watch to better appreciate Disney’s latest theme park ride adaptation.