
  1. Better Business
  2. Business
  3. Science
  4. Tech

Explore the innovative world of Aero Farms and their cutting-edge vertical farming technology. Learn how this indoor vertical farming company is revolutionizing agriculture to grow the best plants possible for a sustainable future. Discover their unique approach to farming that goes beyond traditional methods.

  1. Energy
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Tech

Energy consumption is a pressing issue due to rising costs and climate change. Saving energy is crucial, and there are various ways to achieve this. Smart home technology automates and optimizes household devices, reducing energy waste. Energy efficiency can be enhanced by using energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can lower utility bills. Apartment dwellers can voice their concerns and suggestions to landlords for a sustainable future. Smart thermostats save around 10% annually on heating and cooling costs.

  1. Tech

Busy? Try the speed read.

Google Maps introduces new features to promote eco-friendly practices and help users make environmentally responsible decisions.

  • Rate and Update Businesses
  • Review Businesses
  • Take Advantage of Sustainability Attributes
  • Choose the Most Eco-Friendly Route

Google Maps now offers functionalities that help users find efficient routes, make informed choices about dining and shopping, and keep information up-to-date. Users can rate businesses on eco-friendly practices and contribute reviews about sustainability attributes. Businesses can add relevant attributes to their listings, attracting environmentally-conscious consumers.

To reduce carbon emissions, Google Maps has launched the eco-friendly routes feature, providing fuel-efficient routing options. Available in nearly 40 countries, this feature has helped reduce over 500,000 metric tons of carbon emissions.

These tools enable users to make sustainable choices without sacrificing convenience, highlighting Google Maps' commitment to supporting both daily life and environmental responsibility.

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