
Rating: Good

Price: $ $ $ $

Location: Denmark

(di)vision is a brand that takes sustainability seriously. With an environment rating of ‘great’, the brand is committed to using a high proportion of eco-friendly materials, including recycled materials. By manufacturing locally, (di)vision aims to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize the impact of transportation on the environment.

One of the key aspects of (di)vision’s commitment to sustainability is its use of eco-friendly materials. This not only helps to reduce waste but also limits the amount of chemicals, water, and wastewater used in production. By opting for materials that are kinder to the environment, (di)vision is able to create products that are not only stylish but also leave a smaller ecological footprint.

In addition to its focus on materials, (di)vision also pays attention to its labor practices. With a labor rating of ‘good’, the brand ensures that its workers’ rights are protected. Although there is no evidence of a formal Code of Conduct, (di)vision has a clear statement outlining its commitment to workers’ rights. This includes policies on fair wages, safe working conditions, and regular visits to suppliers to ensure compliance with these standards.

However, (di)vision’s final stage of production takes place in Italy, which is considered a medium-risk country for labor abuse. While the brand’s commitment to workers’ rights is commendable, it would be beneficial for (di)vision to implement measures that specifically address the risks associated with production in Italy. By strengthening its labor policies and conducting regular audits, the brand can further ensure that its supply chain is free from labor abuses.

(di)vision also takes animal welfare into consideration in its production process. With an animal rating of ‘good’, the brand does not use fur, leather, wool, down, exotic animal skin, or angora. However, it does utilize exotic animal hair. While this may raise concerns for some consumers, it is important to note that (di)vision’s overall commitment to animal welfare is commendable.

Overall, (di)vision is a brand that prioritizes sustainability in its practices. With a commitment to using eco-friendly materials, ensuring workers’ rights, and considering animal welfare, (di)vision has earned a ‘Good’ rating. While there is room for improvement, particularly in terms of addressing labor risks in its Italian production, (di)vision is taking steps in the right direction and positioning itself as a leader in sustainable fashion.

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