From the One Perfect Shot team and our followers, a collection of the most beautiful shots from the movies of 2017.
This is it. Our final entry in our annual Year in Review series the #2017Rewind. We’ve saved the best for last especially for our readers and followers who have long adored the work of One Perfect Shot. In the year-plus that we’ve been in charge of the One Perfect Shot brand, we’ve learned a great deal about what these followers love, hate, and believe in when it comes to celebrating the beauty of cinema. It’s important to recognize that this list below belongs as much to our wonderful followers — many of whom made suggestions for this list — as it does for us.
That said, it was up to the FSR/OPS team to finalize this list and we’re very happy with the results. Below you will find shots that represent standalone beauty in cinema, shots that recall specific emotions from some of the year’s most powerful films, and a few that you may not have seen before. We dug deep. But we also have a few disclaimers and stray observations: