Episodes is a column in which senior contributor Valerie Ettenhofer digs into the singular chapters of television that make the medium great.
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The best episode of ‘Black Mirror’ takes a detour to the ‘80s to tell a timeless queer love story.
In the latest Episode column, we revisit the bold, beautiful two-part premiere of Lost.
The story of a sleazy lawyer’s descent into amorality pulled off one of the most meaningful series finales in recent history by becoming the one thing none of us dared hope for: a redemption story.
The season one M*A*S*H episode “Sometimes You Hear the Bullet” revealed the show’s bleeding heart, and gave voice to profound topics it would keep returning to throughout its storied run.
The penultimate episode of House’s fourth season sees the death wish-chasing doctor unravel the shocking mystery of his own head injury.
In season three’s “They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They?” Rory and Lorelai get in over their heads at a 24-hour dance marathon.
Jessica Jones’ first season is a brutal and powerful look at intimate partner violence that ends stronger than ever.
The tech comedy’s best episode is a decades-spanning story about selling out, breaking up, and making art.
Prestige mystery series don’t get much darker than ‘Sharp Objects,’ and ‘Sharp Objects’ doesn’t get much better than its sickening finale.