As Annie Wilkes, the accomplished character actor takes the passionate obsessions of a fanbase to homicidal new heights.
Who among us hasn’t craved a prolonged staycation of eating pizza, watching movies, and never getting out of your favorite pair of sweats?
Clive Barker may have created the titular villain, but it was actor Tony Todd who infused historical and social significance into the movie maniac’s origin story.
Resurrected by stuntwoman Patricia Tallman, Barbara gained three dimensions in the 1990 zombie movie.
The future superstar cut his teeth with the sitcom’s most famous “very special” episodes.
For its 15th anniversary, we look at how Jennifer Carpenter’s factual take on demonic possession subverted every expectation we had from the exorcism subgenre.
Sometimes a great performance is made in the quietest moments.
Jeon delivers a jaw-dropping performance as a grieving mother.
Stealing every scene he appears in, Hoffman’s performance in ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’ is an early career triumph.