At its core, Jordan Peele’s latest horror film is a shrewd commentary on Hollywood exploitation.
One of the most complex portrayals of time travel in film history, the ending of ‘Donnie Darko’ is filled with clues and double meanings.
In which one of cinema’s most iconic final shots is more than just a bad-ass image.
In her return to the rom-com, Lindsay Lohan excels in a heartwarming, delightfully predictable Christmas flick.
The newest adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s acclaimed 1929 novel sees war at its most chilling.
Not a call worth answering.
Netflix’s ‘Luckiest Girl Alive’ undermines an exceptional plot with rushed filmmaking.
In addition to being a downright terrifying horror flick, ‘Barbarian’ shrewdly explores themes of abuse and trauma.
There’s one thing you can be sure of when watching this new horror movie: you have no idea what comes next.