Mamuro Oshii’s 1995 anime is a fascinating examination of the female cyborg and her assumed sexuality.
Proof that lowkey doesn’t have to mean dull and that a conversation can have as much tension as a heist sequence.
Gamera may have begun as a cheap Godzilla knockoff, but the flying fire-breathing turtle has earned his place at the big boy kaiju table.
With the release of The Criterion Collection’s “World of Wong Kar Wai” set, we look at how Hong Kong’s King of Cool has built an inimitable career on repetition and iteration.
DIY aesthetics meet big budget productions in two films from the late aughts.
In his second feature film, Christopher Nolan considers the lengths a director might go to manipulate their viewer.
What connects ‘Nightcrawler,’ ‘Dr. Strangelove,’ and ‘The Naked City’? One 1930s crime scene photographer.
This is not the kind of show that should be canceled. It’s the kind of show that should be replicated.
Fukunaga’s simple directorial style allows the 2011 film to soar above other adaptations of the novel.