As the groundbreaking FX show returns after a four-year hiatus, we look at where it’s been and where it’s going.
The most ambitious episode of ‘Atlanta’ to date is a harrowing thriller, a dark comedy, and a layered tragedy.
From 2010 to 2019, we had more TV at our fingertips than ever before. The FSR team watched hundreds of shows to bring you this list of the best the era had to offer.
The artist’s latest work with his Atlanta collaborators, a 55-minute movie co-starring Rihanna, dropped at Coachella.
Here’s our definitive ranking of the best the small screen had to offer in 2018.
The year’s best episodes broke our hearts, made us laugh, and above all, surprised us.
Unorthodox dance sequences, moments of self-definition, and a smattering of murders round out our favorite TV scenes of the year.
This year’s best tv characters were weird and funny and unexpected, and they tricked us into being moved in spite of ourselves.
Trevor Gates talks the power of sound, “Teddy Perkins,” and the most disturbing movie moments he’s brought to life.