This debut from Kelley Kali and Angelique Molina looks at homelessness in a timely manner.
In her new YouTube documentary, Demi Lovato has to compete with others who are also intent on telling her story for her.
Ursula Macfarlane’s buzzy SXSW documentary explores what happens when one man’s search for the truth becomes an obsession.
We’re kicking off our coverage of SXSW 2020’s virtual film festival with a list of the movies we can’t wait to watch (from the safety of our homes).
Partnering with Amazon Prime Video, SXSW 2020 is launching a free 10-Day film festival to ease our woes.
Turns out the real curse were the generic and bland scares we met along the way.
With ‘Fast Color,’ Julia Hart encourages women everywhere to create a better world from the broken remains of this one.
Filmmakers Stephen Cedars and Benji Kleiman deliver a hilarious and gory romp that will leave you smiling.
We talk with the writer/director about his latest horror film and why we’re all culpable for the world we’ve inherited.