Behind every silly Marvel Comics character is a great source of drama from which to mine.
We rank the trailers and the movie-related ads from the big game.
Our annual backwards guide to the remakes, reboots, and franchise returns of the coming year.
The actor had no interest in joining the MCU in the past. So what’s potentially changed his mind?
Meet Sera, who most likely will be the MCU’s first real transgender character.
We look at the box office successes and failures of 2019 and go deep on the state of original movies, films directed by women, R-rated releases, and non-Disney animation.
So much magic starts in the sound booth.
Here is our first look at the MCU post-‘Avengers: Endgame’ (kinda sorta).
The cinematographer explains the art and the craft that went into a few of our favorite shots from Marvel’s biggest movies.