Wes Anderson’s latest is a gorgeous ‘50s-set Russian doll of a movie about the wonder and the terror of the “cosmic wilderness.”
From Cannes, Farah Cheded reviews Martin Scorsese’s latest.
Raven Jackson’s debut is an intimate work of stunning detail and artistic harmony.
Some sports are more about transcendence than splashy thrills.
Keep an eye on these folks, you’ll be seeing a lot more of them.
From seasoned professionals getting their long-overdue recognition to newcomers who were plucked from obscurity through pure chance, here are 15 performers who signaled a bright horizon for cinema this year.
What connects ‘Nightcrawler,’ ‘Dr. Strangelove,’ and ‘The Naked City’? One 1930s crime scene photographer.
This anthology of shorts offers a precious peek at the directorial visions of five leading cinematographers.
These unforgettable performances from newcomers illuminate the myriad ways there are to leave an indelible impact on cinema.